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My Child is Being Bullied…Now What?? PART 2

Sometimes bullying can escalate to the point where legal action may be necessary. This can be costly and very time-consuming. I truly feel this final recourse should be limited only to situations when all other cooperative and peaceful attempts at resolution have been unsuccessful, requests for intervention have been unmet by the school, and / or if your child’s life is in danger.  Working out the issue BEFORE it gets to this point will be much easier on your child as well as everyone involved!

I am not an attorney (that legal advice will be coming soon) BUT in the case where it is your only option I have some advice for you.

1.      Know the Laws in Your State
As you can imagine laws vary from state to state. Some laws are very detailed, while others have some room for improvement.
StopBullying. Gov has a great website that lists each states law on bullying and harassment.

Laws only = Dark Green, Policy only = Light Green, Both Law & Policy = Blue

2.     I can’t stress enough- KEEP A DETAILED RECORD!
If you are going to pursue a legal approach you will need every bit of FACTUAL evidence you can get your hands on. A new feature I have added to my app is a tab called “Keep A Record.” This tab allows you to keep all your evidence in one place. I have included a camera to take pictures of physical evidence, a video option as well as a voice recorder to record your child’s or your account of the incident, and a note pad to write down- who, what, where, when. Make sure all of your records are dated and again are FACTUAL.

3.     Know That Bullying Can Be a Civil Rights Issue
If the bullying is considered an infringement on a US citizen’s civil rights (your child),  it can be considered harassment by the federal government. If that is the case, there are clear set responsibilities the school has to address the situation.

“On October 26, 2010, the US Office for Civil Rights released a “Dear Colleague” letter on harassment and bullying that outlined school’s responsibilities. The OCR stated that bullying may also be considered harassment when it is based on a student’s race, color, national origin, sex or disability” (Beyond Sticks & Stones; PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center).

What Constitutes Harassment?
·         Verbal Abuse
·         Graphic or Written Statements
·         Threats
·         Physical Assault
·         Conduct that may be physically threatening, harmful, or humiliating

It’s important to note that not all bullying is considered harassment!  
Under federal civil rights law, harassment is unwelcome conduct based on a protected class.

“Harassment (versus bullying) may create a “hostile environment” when the conduct is sufficiently serious in that it interferes with (or limits) a student’s ability to participate in (or benefit from) the services, activities, or opportunities offered by a school, on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex or disability.

Being a parent watching your child go through a rough time is no doubt heart breaking and trying. There will be times when your emotions will get the best of you- and that’s OK! We are human! For the sake of your child’s safety and helping them get through this very difficult time, try to keep grounded and a level head. Show them that together- you can and will get through this. Whatever you do PLEASE don’t give up.

Until next time…
“Be Kind. Make a Difference.”

References: "Beyond Sticks & Stones," PACER's National Bullying Prevention Center, and Stop Bullying. Gov. 


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