Sometimes bullying can escalate to the point where legal action may be necessary. This can be costly and very time-consuming. I truly feel this final recourse should be limited only to situations when all other cooperative and peaceful attempts at resolution have been unsuccessful, requests for intervention have been unmet by the school, and / or if your child’s life is in danger. Working out the issue BEFORE it gets to this point will be much easier on your child as well as everyone involved! I am not an attorney (that legal advice will be coming soon) BUT in the case where it is your only option I have some advice for you. 1. Know the Laws in Your State As you can imagine laws vary from state to state. Some laws are very detailed, while others have some room for improvement. StopBullying. Gov has a great website that lists each states law on bullying and harassment. Laws only = Dark Green, Policy only = Light Green, Both Law ...
Being a parent means loving your children more than you've ever loved yourself. It also means getting used to going to the bathroom & taking a shower with an audience! Welcome to my blog about navigating through parenthood, celebrating the good, coping with the hard, and managing to keep a little bit of yourself through it all! We are the proudest parents to 3 year old Cristiano, and 6 month Ashlynn Grace. She is our NICU grad, brave CP fighter, and mommy's hero.