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Showing posts from February, 2016

Guest Blog Entry for The Workplace Bullying Prevention Center

I was so honored and thrilled to be asked to write an entry about Kindness for The Workplace Bullying Prevention Center. A site I had visited so many times for advice myself. This site is dedicated to educating, supporting, and empowering victims of workplace bullying. An issue not a lot of people are aware even happens. When you think of the word "bullying" you automatically think children or teens. Since I have become an advocate for bullying not only of children but also adults, I have had so many people reaching out to me to say "Thank you" for opening their eyes to this abuse. Likewise, I have also had victims of adult bullying say the same...because we are being heard. Bullying does not discriminate. It can happen to you, or someone you love- no matter age, sex, or occupation. Please visit for more information on how to deal with, or help someone going through this form of abuse. You can make a difference. Here is my entry...

My Story (part 2) What it feels like to be bullied...As an adult

As a new hygienist, I knew it would be critical that I went through training. I knew it would be an adjustment being right out of school. I also knew it would be important that the office manager be involved in my day-to-day office duties and overlook the work I was doing; all normal for a dental office setting.  I worked at this particular office for about six months. The last three months were some of the most difficult and life-changing months that I was going to encounter as I found myself the target of repetitive bullying… as an adult. It started out with a simple, "Nicole, can you stay after work for a couple minutes? There’s something I want to talk to you about."  These after- work meetings started out with criticism of my work, so I thought nothing of it. I didn’t take it personally; I fixed what I had made mistakes on and made sure I improved. I worked so hard to make sure I won over the approval of my manager. It was so important to me that I not only did a gr...