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Showing posts from September, 2015

Sticks & Stones

I used to hate that old saying, we all know it, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." I used to think to myself something must be wrong with me because words definitely hurt and they hurt bad. When you are younger and you scrape your knee or fall, you pretty much forget about it after a few minutes and you move on. But words- those were different for me. Things people said to me stuck with me. To this day I can remember things that were said to me- and I also remember how they made me feel. Especially if an adult was the one saying it to me. For example, when I was younger, I was a cheerleader- big surprise right? I was very proud of what I did. I was very proud of being involved with a group and all the hard work we put into our routines and cheers. I was so proud of my uniform and my clean white shoes, and I was even more proud when we got to wear our uniforms to school! Now I am talking grade school- I was in 4th grade at the time, our unif...

Ode to Cristiano

My son is turning one this month! That sentence has yet to completely sink in. I have been watching him walk around our living room these past two weeks, but not like I usually do - not necessarily on alert to shoo him away from the occasional uncovered outlet, or kick him out the utility room to stop him from eating his occasional snack of cat food- but just watching him. Taking it all in. He has his own very busy agenda these days- and it's absolutely amazing to me. There is no way he will ever know the joy he brings to my life, or the powerful love I have for him- that is until he has his own child himself. He'll never know the happiness I feel when he stumbles up to me with his arms open to give me a hug, or when he aggressively gives me one of his open mouth kisses on my cheek. I could literally sit and watch him learn and play all day long. It's so beautiful to me. And please tell me I am not the only one that will sit in the car and let my child finish his nap?? O...