“The moment a child is born, the mother is also
born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A
mother is something absolutely new.”
- Osho
my younger years, I was never really the type of woman that wanted to have
children. I was never good with babies and I sure as heck didn’t like to baby
sit! They cried too much! They made me nervous. But, when we had our son,
things changed. He became my world... and my world became brighter. God never
surprises me; He knows exactly what we need... and when we need it. I cannot
thank him enough.
never forget - after 17 hours of labor and three hours of pushing - our perfect
little baby boy entered the world. They placed him on my chest and what
happened next, my husband and I will never forget. He actually lifted his head,
looked at his daddy, looked at me, and then snuggled back down and fell asleep.
I will never forget that moment as long as I live. It was so perfect and so
special. I wouldn’t say he was the
easiest of babies. In fact, we pretty much didn’t sleep for a full year! Maybe
more! Who am I kidding...he still sleeps with me! (I secretly love it). We
actually thought he was colicky. I can remember being up late researching sleep
experts and buying anything and everything that promised to work for a
sleepless child! I remember talking to my boss's wife one night- she was
talking about how she missed the infant stage. She then said something that
completely changed my perspective. I was telling her how we pretty much have a
baby that hates sleeping at night. She then said, “Yeah, but isn’t it so
amazing at the same time? The whole world is quiet and it’s just you and him.
One day you will wish you had those moments back. It’s such a short time in the
whole big scheme of things. Take it all in and enjoy it. Those are moments you
will never get back.” And she was absolutely right. I had been thinking
about it all wrong. Yes, I was tired, but so what... I was up with my beautiful
baby boy... who needed me. I was his whole world. I started to
look forward to our little late night sessions. I think as I got more relaxed,
he did too. Him waking up every two hours eventually spread to 3, 4, 5... and
she was right, as Cristi got older, I missed the time when it was just him and
I - while the whole world slept.
We are so lucky to have family that helps me with Cristiano on days when I have to be in class with Ashlynn. Is it ideal for me to be away from one of my kids - absolutely not. But, I equate it to being a working mom. It’s just that now my job has become "mommy PT!" It’s also the way you choose to look at it. Ashlynn’s play session would be no different than the "mommy and me" classes I used to take Cristiano to when he was 4 months old. One of the training facilities we visit is great because I can bring Cristiano along and he can play while we work. It’s like one big playground for him. The other one, unfortunately is for therapy children only. He doesn’t quite understand the reason for the division yet. I kind of love that. He sees absolutely nothing different about the kids in Ashlynn’s class. When we were in the NICU, they had a family play center for children that were admitted to the children’s hospital.
To my Cristiano:
I am proud of you every single day. You give me so many reasons to smile. It is because of you I have become the person I am today. You are too young to understand any of this, but one day, when you read this please know how “special” you are to me. How you made me want to be the very best version I possibly could be. On days when I wanted to cry, seeing you was my only refuge. Or how I hold your little hand when you are asleep.
You are so unbelievably loved. I thank God every single day for you and the blessing you are to my life. I will never get tired of being there for you. Things may not always be easy, but know that I always love you with all that I am... and that I loved you first.
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