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Fresh Outlook for the New Year

Some people will never let you grow, or allow themselves to recognize your evolution or progress. It seems like it’s in our DNA to be suspicious or skeptical of people. If they are nice- "Hmm I wonder what they want." If they are kind- "Well, they must want a favor in return." Sometimes our tendency is to see the faults in others first, maybe to feel better about what's going on in our lives, or because they have what we want. Or maybe because that is the way we have always been. But ask yourself this: Would you want to be labeled the way we may label others? Would you want all of your motives questioned all the time? It all goes back to the golden rule: treat others the way you want to be treated.

We've all made mistakes.  We all learn from our mistakes. Even though it may be hard to see past someone who has done you wrong, I think that all goes along with creating an atmosphere of kindness and empathy. It's about changing the way we have been programmed to think about each other.  It's about looking inside yourself the next time you want to speak badly about somebody or something they've done. I know this is something I've been working on personally. When I want to be quick to judge someone, I try to stop and think, "Well wait a minute, nobody's perfect... including me!"

Sometimes it's easier to pick out people's faults instead of seeking out their many strengths. If we are completely honest with ourselves and those times that we start to pick people apart, we need to stop and think, “Was I actually happy when I was doing that to them?”  I truly feel that happy and complete people don't pick others apart, instead they seem to focus on the positive qualities. Happy people empower. This doesn't mean people need to be happy 100% of the time, that's unheard of! We all have our ups and downs. We all have our trials and tribulations. Sometimes when we are down on our luck, we may be inclined to pull others down with us, specifically someone who is doing well. It's time to change that!

Making a difference starts with each and every one of us. It's about creating a fresh outlook. Last year I posted a quote that I really liked: "Before you say something, think to yourself- Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it kind?" I challenged myself to follow this rule and honestly, I struggled at times with the "Is it necessary?" part. If you are anything like me, I can argue my way into believing everything I say is "necessary." LOL.

A simple challenge for you:  the next time you feel the urge pulling you to the dark side, to speak poorly about somebody, try to point out their strengths instead. Point out the good things they do and little by little your view will start to change of this person. Your preconceived notion will become positive. You will start to feel better in general as your outlook brightens up. At the end of the day, we are all struggling at times. We are all fighting for our happiness. So help each other out! Give each other a break. Show them the same kindness you would like in return.

Until next time,
"Be Kind. Make a Difference!"
Mrs. Illinois International 2016


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