So far, one of my favorite parts about being Mrs. Illinois
International has been the amazing and inspiring people I've met. In my
past experience of being a professional dancer, we were often the connection
between the crowd and the team; an ambassador, if you will. Fans would often
tell us their stories and invite us to their charity events so we could support
them and their cause. I'm so excited to see pageantry is very similar in that
we are also invited to support causes that are so important to people who want
to make a difference. I am often told stories in hopes that I will share and be
a voice for them. That is something that I take very seriously and that I am
honored to do. I have heard our year as title holders be referred to as
a "year of service." I truly feel I was given this gift for a
reason and I am so very thankful for that.
It's a satisfying feeling to be a part of something bigger
than yourself. It's not all about me ...I first learned that when I became a
wife and I had my son. I sometimes see and hear others say, "I have done
this, I have done that..." but, not actually see or hear the story behind why
you are there in the first place. It's so much more than that. It's an amazing
feeling to know that my personal growth and journey as a title holder has
crossed paths with other peoples' personal journeys with healing, raising
awareness, and inspiring others. I think the saying, “Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know
nothing about. So be kind always!" is a perfect way to describe
The past couple of weeks I was blessed to have attended two
events that had a lasting impression on me. The first was the Whitney Reynolds
Show Gala that benefited The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. I met so many
amazing and kind-hearted people. Whitney absolutely being one of those people
herself. I also met Gwendolyn Westlund. She is a true survivor with a story of
positivity and strength. Having gone through cancer, multiple cardiac
surgeries, and a heart transplant, she now has made it her mission to educate
others on how giving blood, something so simple, can save a life.
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To learn more about Gwendolyn and how you can save a life please visit |
The month of April is a month to raise awareness
for many important causes. One cause in particular is Prevention of Child
Abuse. Abuse of children is the worst form of bullying I can think of. I was
approached by the family of Christopher Valdez at the #WeExist event at Daley
Plaza. As his aunt told me his story, I couldn't help but visibly show how
my heart was broken as she explained to me everything he went through - and all that they go through
just to be his voice. They have now made it their mission to educate and
raise awareness to prevent this from happening to other children.
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These brave people tell their stories. They show they are
fighters and that they want to help others do the same... To me, they are
true heroes. I was inspired after meeting them to do more than just show my
support by attending these events. Social media is a very powerful tool these
days so I decided I wanted to create an album of "Inspiring People I
Meet." I want to share their stories and introduce them to everyone I meet.
Throughout my journey this year, I will be sharing stories
that are sometimes hard to hear- but, they are meant to inspire, heal, and
empower. I know you will be as moved and as inspired as I am...
Until next time...
"Be Kind. Make a Difference."
Mrs. Illinois International 2016
Please visit
to watch my album grow with more and more inspiring people as my year continues!
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