We all know right from wrong. We all know what we should be doing. Why is it so hard sometimes? Here I am creating a huge push for bully prevention and trying to inspire people to be kind to one another. Yet I find it difficult to ALWAYS do the right thing as well. We sometimes say things we not always, truly believe in. Some of us agree just to be polite. We don't want to be seen as difficult or argumentative. We sometimes go along with the group in order not to offend. My point is even as adults we can be persuaded to sometimes go with the flow. Even if it's not what we feel is the "right" thing. We let things slide. We are so busy with our everyday lives we don't want to be bothered with extra stress or worries. I know some of you are reading this right now and thinking - " Well speak for yourself. I ALWAYS speak my mind." And while that may be true for the most part, the majority of the people I personally speak with have issues deciding when to sp...
Being a parent means loving your children more than you've ever loved yourself. It also means getting used to going to the bathroom & taking a shower with an audience! Welcome to my blog about navigating through parenthood, celebrating the good, coping with the hard, and managing to keep a little bit of yourself through it all! We are the proudest parents to 3 year old Cristiano, and 6 month Ashlynn Grace. She is our NICU grad, brave CP fighter, and mommy's hero.