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Showing posts from November, 2016

What Do I Tell My Children??

Emotions are very high, but before I get started I have a disclaimer: THIS BLOG IS NOT ABOUT EITHER PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE...this is about us as parents. I have seen countless posts saying "Now what do I tell my children?" and I can't help but feel compelled to answer that and offer a few humble suggestions. First things first, it's safe to say some of us are very emotional today. When our emotions get the best of us we tend to do and say things we may regret later...or maybe not...but  I've seen more foul language on my face book news feed than a Tarantino movie!!  Your message will resonate more without the insults, foul language, and all the name calling I am seeing today. The next time you want to resort to name calling- and I tell this to the students I speak to all the time- stop for a moment, take a deep breath- ask yourself would I want someone to call me this?? or better would you feel if someone spoke to my child this way?? This is a frien...