1. Know if you are in a protected class. Protected classes are covered under Title 7 of Federal law and include: race, color, national origin, religion, sex (or gender), age (over 40), and disability. Anti-discrimination laws only regard unequal or unfair treatment as unlawful discrimination when the victim is a member of a defined group known as a protected class. 2. Consult your employee handbook (if one exists). If you are a member of a protected class or not, what is company policy regarding harassment, retaliation, etc. Can you file a harassment complaint? Are there time restraints? 3. If you are being harassed, keep a record of all interactions, including who, when, how, why. Keep the notes in a safe place, not at work. Keep them in a separate notebook or on a computer you take with you each day when you leave work. If the notes are left at work, they may be viewed by other...
Being a parent means loving your children more than you've ever loved yourself. It also means getting used to going to the bathroom & taking a shower with an audience! Welcome to my blog about navigating through parenthood, celebrating the good, coping with the hard, and managing to keep a little bit of yourself through it all! We are the proudest parents to 3 year old Cristiano, and 6 month Ashlynn Grace. She is our NICU grad, brave CP fighter, and mommy's hero.