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Showing posts from October, 2016

Top 10 Legal Tips for Bullying (Specific to Workplaces)

1.    Know if you are in a protected class.  Protected classes are covered under Title 7 of Federal law and include:   race, color, national origin, religion, sex (or gender), age (over 40), and disability. Anti-discrimination laws only regard unequal or unfair treatment as unlawful discrimination when the victim is a member of a defined group known as a protected class. 2.    Consult your employee handbook (if one exists).  If you are a member of a protected class or not, what is company policy regarding harassment, retaliation, etc.  Can you file a harassment complaint?  Are there time restraints? 3.    If you are being harassed, keep a record of all interactions, including who, when, how, why.  Keep the notes in a safe place, not at work.  Keep them in a separate notebook or on a computer you take with you each day when you leave work.  If the notes are left at work, they may be viewed by other...

Books That Teach About Kindness & Bravery!

Every so often I come across a great book list. This is one of my most frequently asked questions- " Can you recommend a book for my son/daughter?" This is one of the newer lists I have found. I like that this list includes books about bravery. Think about it...It's hard even as adults to be that one person to stand up! Bravery goes along with being a bystander and teaching our children to do the right thing when a situation arises. There is one book missing from this list that I love " A Girl With a Cape, " but for the most part it is right on!  Let me know what you and your children think of these books! The link to the book list: Until next time, "Be Kind. Make a Difference!" Mrs. Illinois International 2016